
Employment Proceduce

Quanzhou Normal University Hiring Process for Foreign Teachers

  1. 外教访问泉州师院网站或通过其他途径了解3044com永利。

    Foreign teacher accesses the Quanzhou Normal University website at

  1. 泉州师院国合处与外教联系,外教寄送求职材料。

If interested, contact or sendresume to e-mail address: fao@qztc.edu.cn  

  1. 泉州师院筛选符合条件外教,并要求求职者补充完整材料,包括填写求职证明,学历证明,推荐信,在校成绩单,护照复印件等。

    QNU will send a letter of acknowledgement of resume or interest, and if QNU is interested in you, we will request for additional documentation (application form, academic records, diplomas, references and copy of passport) from applicants.

  1. 求职者按要求寄送以上材料。

    Applicant sends all the requested documents in Step 3.

  1. 泉州师院国合处核实确认评估外教求职材料,对外教进行面试或电话测试。

    Office of International Exchange and Cooperation reviews the documents and verifies work and character references as furnished by the applicant.  

  1. 一旦决定聘用,泉州师院国合处会把决定聘用通知送达外教并在十日内把聘用协议寄送给外教。

Office of International Exchange and Cooperation  accepts or declines the application/resume. A letter of acceptance or denial is sent to the applicant.  When accepted, a contract is sent with the letter requesting a response within 10 days.    

  1. 双方签署聘用协议。

    When both the applicant and the director of Foreign Affairs Office signs the contract, the signed copy is sent to the applicant.  

  1. 泉州师院国合处办理外教聘用的签证、工作许可等手续。                                          

    Office of International Exchange and Cooperation  initiates the application for work permit. Once a work permit is obtained, it is sent to the applicant to apply to the nearest Chinese consulate for a work visa. At the same time a health evaluation form should be obtain from the Chinese Embassy website and completed by your physician. Save this form  upon arrival in China.  Once the visa is obtained, the applicant must inform QNU about the arriving date, the flight number, etc., immediately Office of International Exchange and Cooperation  to meet you at the airport.

  2. 外教到校报到,3044com永利安排住宿。                                                 

    Once the new foreign teacher arrives, he will be settled in his or her apartment and a pack of documents such as “Guide to Foreign Teachers”, a map of the city of Quanzhou will be furnished.

  1. 国合处把外教安排到相关院系,由院系根据合同安排具体的教学任务。                           

    Office of International Exchange and Cooperation  introduces the new teacher to the relevant school for a discussion about the academic schedule and the teaching task.
